A poem
Image created using several apps and courtesy of the author, Henery X
We were all born-to-die legends but for this to happen, we must do legendary things while we live. — Henery X
Be You
2023, Henery X ©
Just like everything else, creative writing is all about steps and stages,
Computer keyboards, pencils, pens, and blank pages
But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself
Let me speak about what will be your real wealth
Which is your style
You know the thing that will determine if you’ll be here just for the moment or for more than just a little while
Creativity Breeds Longevity
I’ve said this so many times
But I don’t think that this has registered in to many minds
So many carbon copies
And to top it off all the copies
Sound so sloppy… copy?
Come on, you’re only doing yourself a disservice
I know attempting to do something new can make you feel real nervous
But imagine once you get past that feeling
It’ll be like crashing through your first glass ceiling
Listen to learn and speak to enlighten
And before you know it every battle involving you will be known as a clash with the Titan
There’s nothing wrong with being who you are
Because in all actuality every human being is a star
And our shine
Will be determined by the degree we decide to utilize our mind
So we can lead by example or be left light years behind
Be You
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering. May all you deserve and desire flow abundantly into your life, as a river does into a sea.
Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Continue to be a lighthouse for all those who feel lost in the sea of life.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.