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Love And Music

Writer's picture: Henery X (long)Henery X (long)

A short story

Love And Music

Henery X, 2021 ©

At thirty-one years of age, Bobby “BJ” Jewel Jr. has experienced success most people his age could only dream of. The African in America son of an accomplished pianist father and a songstress mother was born to be a musician.

At three years old, Bobby would sit beside his father, who played the piano, while his mother stood before them and sang as if she was born to do nothing else. Young Bobby was in awe of his parents, who loved him perpetually.

More often than not, Bobby’s parents would find him sitting before the piano, banging on the ivory keys and shouting something; only he knew what it was. Yes, he was born to be a musician and his parents couldn’t have been more proud.

At age seven, Bobby was not only playing the piano with above-average ability, but he was also singing songs his parents could now understand as well. He loved doing what he did so much that he didn’t want to do anything else. Bobby became obsessed with perfecting his skills. For him, it wasn’t working, but establishing his means to fulfill the purpose. He woke up playing and singing, and he went to bed doing the same thing. And seeing that his parents loved music, they’d be right there with him, applauding and cheering.

When Bobby turned thirteen, his parents enrolled him in a prestigious performing arts school in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan. Seeing that he had a head start, he was there to learn different perspectives and build bonds. Bobby would become a fan favorite of all the teachers and most of his peers, especially the females. Besides being able to play the piano and sing, he was tall and quite handsome. But though he loved women, he loved music more, plus he was on a specific mission.

At fifteen, Bobby told his parents how he was going to start his band and own a venue where not only they would perform, but others who had a love for music as well. And like the loving, supportive parents they were, Bobby Sr. and Linda would encourage their son in every way.

During his time at the school of performing arts, Bobby became friendly with three young men, who all played different instruments exceptionally well. He would eventually share with these young men his dream of starting a band and they all loved what they heard, so much so that “D4” was born. The “D” represented Detroit, seeing they all loved the city where they were born and raised.

After school, D4 would gather at Bobby’s house and practice performing songs he wrote. Seeing that his parents were huge music fans, plus bigger fans of their child, they never had a problem with the music or the company.

After graduating from the performing arts school, and thanks to his parent’s connections, Bobby and his band mates could perform at many venues throughout the city of Detroit. And D4 was making a name for themselves. A local record label even offered them a recording contract, but they unanimously turned it down. They agreed to remain faithful to Bobby’s desire to own his venue, which they felt would eventually secure their livelihood.

Saturday, June 6, 2019, was Bobby Jewel Jr.’s thirty-first birthday and he and his band mates were in the basement of his parent’s home, just chilling.

“So, what are we going to do today, BJ?” Russell “Rusty” Parker chirped. He, like the other three non-residents, sat on a leather sectional sofa. The twenty-nine-year-old African in America man was short and stout. He sported a short Afro and a full beard, both of which were well-groomed. Like everyone else present, he wore casual clothes. He was the drummer for D4, and like the rest of his band mates, he loved doing what he did well.

“I have nothing special planned, Rusty,” Bobby said. He sat on the bench that rested before his beautiful baby grand piano, which was just one of the countless gifts he received from his parents.

“We should do something big,” twenty-nine-year-old Larry “Strings” Johnson chirped. The handsome African in America man was tall and slim. He sported a gleaming bald head and no facial hair. His nickname was “Strings” because he played the guitar like his idol, Norman Brown.

“I agree with you, Strings,” thirty-year-old Alvin “A-One” Allen said. The tall, jet-black handsome young man had short wavy hair, and like Russell, sported a full, well-groomed beard. He played the saxophone, and Gerald Albright’s influence was clear in his playing; Albright himself would surely be impressed if he ever heard him.

“So what do you and Strings have in mind, A-One?” Bobby said.

“They have this new spot opening up tonight downtown.”

“Yeah, I heard about it,” Larry chirped.

“Why haven’t I heard of it?” Bobby said, and the curiosity in his voice was undeniable.

“Yeah, I have heard nothing about this either,” Russell chimed in.

“Well, they’ve been talking about it on the radio. It’s going to be epic,” Alvin said.

“No wonder I haven’t heard about it. I rarely listen to the radio,” Bobby said.

“Well, I think we should go. If for no other reason than to support someone’s vision made manifest,” Larry said.

The other three men agreed with Larry’s statement.

It was 8 pm. Like every Saturday night, downtown Detroit was jumping. People from throughout the city, as well as those from surrounding towns, were in search of what would make tonight a memory spoken about Sunday morning.

After finding a place to park his 2019 Cadillac Escalade in the nearly full parking lot, Bobby called his bandmates to let them know he had arrived at the location Alvin had given him directions to go. Everyone let him know they were in the parking lot and they all met up. The four young men were all dressed to impress, but unlike Bobby, his bandmates had lovely young women accompanying them. After the pleasantries were out of the way, the group of young, beautiful black people made their way to the new business in town. There was a line of people before them.

“Wow. This turn-out is what I call mad love,” Alvin chirped. He had his arm around the neck of his lady, who had her arm around his waist.

“No doubt, A-One,” Russell said. He and his lady held hands.

They finally made it to the entrance and after a routine search for weapons, they could enter a hallway where they paid the admission and then entered where the action was taking place. It was a restaurant, with a bar and a large stage. A hostess came up to them and seconds after the fact, they were following her. She led them to an enormous booth and told them that someone would be to take their orders soon and then left. Everyone slid into the said booth, with Bobby being last, seeing he didn’t have a date.

“What are your thoughts, BJ?” Alvin said, he was sitting next to his friend.

“I love it, A-One. This look is how I’d like our place to appear. I wonder who the entertainment is going to be.”

“One thing is for sure, BJ. We’re all going to find out together.”

“Attention, ladies and gentlemen,” a voice said from many speakers mounted to the high ceiling. The voice belonged to a well-dressed older man, who stood next to an equally impressively dressed older woman. They both stood atop the stage.

“That sounds like my father,” Bobby said. He turned his head toward the stage and sure enough, there stood not only his namesake, but his beloved mother as well.

“My lovely wife here and I want to thank you all for coming out tonight for the grand opening of our son’s business, BJ’s Place.”

The crowd of people began to applaud and cheer, which included the individuals with Bobby Jr., who himself was crying tears of joy.

“Hold it. Hold it, family. We were just told our son is here. Son, come on up here and join us, please.”

Bobby stood up from the booth and made his way to the stage; the people resumed applauding and cheering.

“And here he comes,” Bobby Sr. said, and the excitement in his voice was undeniable.

Bobby Jr. finally made it to the top of the stage and put an arm around the necks of his parents. Most of the crowd was now on their feet, applauding and cheering.

Bobby Jewel Sr. and Linda Nelson-Jewel made a great living doing what they loved doing so much. Hence, they invested portions of their earnings into a group-owned real estate company, which was now how they maintained their livelihood. When their only child shared his vision of someday owning his club with them, and when he was fifteen, it hadn’t fallen on deaf ears. They waited thirteen years to see if he was earnest about a music career. Once they concluded he was, they set in motion events that would end in his thirty-first birthday gift from them to him.

After the surprise was out of the bag, several people brought instruments down from the second story of the building and to the stage.

Tonight’s entertainment was scheduled to be D4, a fact known only to Alvin and Larry. For an obvious reason, Alvin and Larry kept the news from Bobby Jr., and they didn’t share it with Russell because he could not keep a secret.

Monday thru Saturday, from 8 pm to 1 am, BJ’s Place was the place to be. And not only for the locals, but for many out-of-town folks as well.

Though the award-worthy atmosphere and cuisine were much appreciated, both paled in comparison to people being allowed to showcase their talents.

Acts received thirty minutes each, for an adequate performance fee, to do what they loved; this ensured BJ’s Place never lacked entertainment. And the diverse crowd never disappointed the performers; they always made everyone feel as if they were far from strangers.

Local recording company representatives would always be on hand. They were all in search of the next potential superstar. After their performance, the company offered several acts recording contracts, a surprise to everyone involved. (Luck is when preparation and opportunity meet. Just something for you, the reader, to ponder on.)

Six Months Later

December 9, 2020, Wednesday, 10 pm

Bobby Jr. was sitting at the bar. He and the other members of D4 had just finished performing, and now they were all enjoying the moment. D4 always kicked things off with six songs, which was appreciated by everyone present.

“Great job, as always, BJ,” the bartender said. He was a tall, handsome, older man, who was well-groomed and dressed to impress.

“I appreciate you, Stan,” Bobby Jr. chirped. He, like the bartender, also dressed to impress.

A lovely woman came up beside Bobby Jr., and she ensured her arm brushed up against his. She was a jet black beauty, who wore her jet black hair in a short cute bob style, which complimented her face. Her five-foot-three, hundred and fifty-pound frame displayed a stylish and respectful red dress, and on her feet were a pair of matching leather ankle boots.

“Excuse me, BJ,” the woman whispered.

Bobby Jr. glanced over in the woman’s direction, but then found himself unable to stop staring into her face. “Oh my God, you’re gorgeous,” Bobby said with no shame.

The woman smiled, revealing seemingly perfect teeth, which were as white as freshly fallen snow. “Why, thank you, Bobby. And may I say, you’re quite easy on the eyes yourself.”

“What’s your name?”

“Nefertiti Gold. But everyone ends up calling me Nefe’.”

“Well, from this point forward, I’m going to refer to you as Nefertiti because it’s too beautiful of a name to do otherwise. It’s an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he extended his hand in her direction, and she grabbed it with her own.

“Likewise, BJ,” she released his hand.

“So, what are you drinking?”

“Red wine.”

“Hey, Stan’. When time permits. A red wine for this goddess here.”

Nefertiti smiled.

“Coming right up, BJ,” the bartender said.

“So, are you here alone, Nefertiti?”

“I’m not.”

“It figures. Someone as magnificent as you shouldn’t be alone. Fortunate fellow.”

“I’m here with three of my girlfriends, BJ. I’m single.”

Bobby Jr. smiled, “Really?”

“Yes. I’ve been waiting for you.”


Nefertiti chuckled, “Really.”

“How delightful.”

December 10, 2020, Thursday, 3 am

Bobby Jr. and Nefertiti were the only two people in BJ’s, which closed two hours earlier. From the moment they met at the bar, they were inseparable. They both introduced one another to their friends and after the fact, they grabbed a table of their own. They shared so much with one another. It was as if they were long-lost friends reunited and catching up on old and new times. Bobby learned that thirty-five-year-old Nefertiti was the proud owner of two beauty salons, both on the east side of Detroit. He also discovered that she has been crushing on him for some time now, a fact that left him smiling uncontrollably.

“So, can I take you out tomorrow for dinner?” Bobby Jr. said smoothly. He was staring into Nefertiti’s warm brown eyes.

“You’d highly offend me if you didn’t, BJ,” she whispered. She flashed him that spectacular smile she possessed.

“Are you ready to leave?”

“Not really. I’ve dreamed of you and me alone. Talking as we have been. For many days and nights.”

“Nefertiti, you’re blowing my mind with this revelation. I’ve never felt like this for a woman. I could stay in your presence forever.”

Nefertiti smiled, “Ditto, handsome.”

“Do you believe in love at first sight?”

“I do, BJ. Because I fell in love with you the second I saw you, three years ago.”

Bobby Jr. was smiling uncontrollably.

They stayed and continued to enjoy one another’s company for several more hours.

July 16, 2022, Saturday, 10 pm

Bobby Jr. and Nefertiti were married on May 7, 2022. On June 21, she shared with her husband that they were going to have a baby and he couldn’t have been more pleased. They were now down in the posh basement of their beautiful home, which was on the west side of Detroit. The said basement was one of several places where D4 practiced, so all the instruments required were present. The happy couple lounged on a cushy leather sectional sofa, enjoying each other’s company.

“Man of mine.”

“Yes, Nefertiti.

“I have something to tell you.”

“I’m listening.”

“Why don’t I just show you.” Nefertiti rose from the sofa and walked over to the beautiful pearl white baby grand piano. She sat on the bench and began to not only play but sing as well.

Bobby Jr. had a look of utter disbelief on his face as he stared at the woman he adored, sing, and play the piano masterfully. He had not a clue that she could do either; it was a pleasant surprise indeed.

When she finished, she rose from the bench and turned to face her husband, who was about to speak, but she interrupted him by raising her right index finger. She sashayed over to the guitar and, like it was with the piano, played it like it was child’s play. Bobby Jr. looked on in utter disbelief. After ten minutes, she moved over to the saxophone. Bobby Jr. raised an eyebrow. He thought to himself that she couldn’t possibly, but then she erased all doubt by playing just as soulfully as his bandmate/brother Alvin Allen. And last, she sat down before a beautiful drum set and played arguably better than D4’s, Russell Parker. After her drum solo was complete, Nefertiti stood up and walked back over to the sofa. Bobby Jr. rose to his feet, clapping and smiling uncontrollably.

“Nefertiti. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She now stood before her husband, who wrapped his arms loosely around her neck as she wrapped hers around his waist. “I wanted us to be as we are before I shared this side of my life with you. I wanted our unborn child to feel the love we both have for each other, and for music.”

“Wow! You’re a one-woman D4. I’m blown away. I mean, your family or friends never said a word. Not even a hint that you get down as you do.”

“That’s because I swore them all to secrecy. I wanted us to be as we are before I shared this side of my life with you. It was hard because I love music, but I wanted to surprise you. Plus, I wanted our unborn child to feel what we’re feeling at this exact moment.”

“Well, let’s give her or him the full extent of the said feeling. Ms. Jewel, will you accompany me in performing the D4 classic, “It’s You?”

“I would be honored, Mr. Jewel.”

The Jewels walked over to the piano. Once they arrived at their destination, Bobby Jr. sat on the bench, while Nefertiti stood beside the piano, staring at him lovingly. He played and shortly after the fact; she sang, sounding as if she was the first day of summer, after a mediocre month of spring. Their chemistry was undeniable. Like a match made in heaven and specifically sent to woo the world.

“You know I’m going to have to rename the group,” Bobby chirped.

Nefertiti slowly shook her head up and down, as she continued to sing her heart out.

“I was thinking, Nefertiti. Featuring D4. Has a nice ring to it. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I do indeed agree, man of mine,” Nefertiti chirped. And then she resumed singing.

The End

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Brother Tramaine
Jan 30
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Excellent storytelling and dialogue between characters.


Jan 28
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Wow! What another beautiful and brilliant piece Henery.

This had all sorts of pleasant plot twists to it that I did not see coming!

I love the characters. I thought my mouth was on the floor when BJ’s parents gifted him a whole business/venue for his birthday, then he met his fine divine goddess 🥰🥰🥰

And the last twist I really loved, her being able to play music and sing. I think if someone had to find out their spouse had a secret, most would want this to be it.

Keep writing and giving us your unique brand of excellence brother. 🧡

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