This is a collaboration of 19 talented writers from Instagram. I made a call, and 18 individuals answered, ready to showcase their amazing skills. The concept was that each piece would be created from the last word of the previous piece, I started it off. Everyone except for me only knew of the word they had to work with, and that was relayed to them by me. So, they had no clue of what the finished piece looked like outside of their contribution...until it was actually completed.
This was a writing exercise meant to promote creativity, discipline and of course...unity. Everyone involved did an excellent job. I pray that You enjoy this, as much as we enjoyed creating it:
1. We're all just one piece to the puzzle, but without just one of us, the picture will be forever incomplete/I don't compete/to eat/I just break my chair in half and say here...have a seat. Alone/we can make it on our own/but together, we'll set the tone. That will be felt worldwide/purpose over pride/this way, our will to win...will never be denied. @writepath247 2. Denied access granted, it'll never be, you can't stop us from our destiny, you see. We have a race to complete. Running toward the finish line, It takes real hustle and grind, we'll have your mind. Blown, leaving you in a zone, this you can't condone... Invincible. @poeticc_serenityy_ 3. Invincible we are, when we believe in the power of our dreams. We will shine in the darkness, with love and honor. We will unite and become one, for not just one night, but until the end of time. @shal_speaks 4. Time to realize we can't do this alone, and in due time, we'll figure this out on our own. Time waits for no man, it has a mind of its own. A plan, a design, to give us time to get this right before we're called home. A chance to try and make it back together, as a whole. Time asked me, " What are you doing?" I replied, to time, "I'm just chillin'." Time said to me, "You're wasting my time and precious energy, time and energy, I could have given to many. Many who see the value in time and use it wisely. To unite a race, whose minds are still in space, just floating around with no destination in place. Time being so out of place, we have no time to be displaced." @KeebraRobbins 5. Displaced, replaced, left by the wayside without a trace- this feeling of betrayal pumps rage into our hearts. Yet through this mirage of vexation, something deep down whispers to us that our ordeal is simply fuel for a new start. @the_passionate_individual 6. Start every day knowing that together we can make it if we want to see things better. No fusing no fighting, just us living and working together. If we try and at first we don't succeed, know that we can make it work, if we don’t give up or give in. We can do it, as long as we try, so let’s just try. @iamderrycox 7. Try and combine our forces together, I call it unity. To come together and create something special, so many minds that think differently into one project. Setting our differences aside to have an affect. @lordJohansel 8. Affect, connect, protect. I'm here for you, and for me. We can walk together; As the holy trinity, when you look at me, what do you see? A poet's words, Immortalize for eternity, I might not be here physically, but to spread love spiritually. And bury all hate in the cemetery, I'm just doing what's necessary, a modern-day missionary. There's so much trouble in the world, you got to be strong from the insults they hurl. And fight your battles from the underworld, and stay hard and pure, the equivalents of diamonds and pearls. @audsthepoet 9. Pearls of wisdom passed down from generations past. Are for us all, to transform us, to return us, to where we are meant to be. Support us, and not mourn us. Enough segregation, from the separation, of humanity and its self made incarceration. ~ @purgetraumapoet 10. Incarceration... We're daily waiting in a cell with patience, As we're bound in cuffs and leg irons...segregation, we daydream in the morning because at night we sleep, tossing and turning in another realm of reality, can we be Or can we be? Free, life, love, and liberty, the pursuit of happiness with unity, You and I together eulogy, like praising with no jealousy, loving each other with no hate of becoming enemies, can you feel my energy? Or grasp the positivity, I'm projecting, while these four walls try to subdue me in this bondage, God...unlock the combinations of locks of mysteries, C.O...unbolt the deadbolts so I can talk to the Warden about human equality, self...master key all the skeleton faces to be free, In all walks of life... even in society. @authorl.triplett. 11. Society dictates protocols to be followed, or so they say. As people, we try to comply and fit in day by day, but there are things that people do, that are simply not okay. They take certain lives for granted, as they feel the need to slay, because of our RACE, they want to eradicate. We have got to stand together! Or to hatred, we'll fall prey. @itouchyoursoul_ 12. Prey on your egotism, eat its flesh and burn all bones. Don't let it eat your heart out for a grand prize. Pray for the oneness to gather minds and hearts. Reach out to bros and yearn for unity—the highest exultation. @kseniasein 13. Exultation combined with my soul, looking forward to completing my mind, devoting my time to positive feed, searching for the truth. Unites me with time, hoping that stars align, my heart is following my destiny, no words for what I have lost or seen, time will tell who is with me and against me, my life will come together, no doubts, elated, sophisticated. @de_girl17 14. Sophisticated understandings of this thing called life. We often look outside ourselves, judging differences, ending in fights. Each human living in separate minds, often forgetting, we are one mankind. True unity comes from the stars above, ever-present feeling eternal love. Each soul mirrors you, collective fragments of humanity, we are one, heart to heart, so why live in such vanity? @tasharose_22 15. Vanity is like a dagger that cuts our link with the source. All we care for is to thrive on our own. Then we wonder if our selfish thoughts were worth to sacrifice the purity of our souls, and become the prodigy child, who wishes to return home. But unity is our essence, for we'll always have a second chance, to be embraced by God. @onedream_manylives 16. God, life, hate. If he created us or we came out of the earth through random occurrences, Love will remain the driving force. No one wants to hurt and some may dwell in it because they have lost hope in life and love, but there's redemption in one good deed towards them who are lost. We can find Truce when we try to understand one another, rather than condemn one another. They say Love is God and vice versa and maybe God is a being and an action at the same time, maybe life is a journey to find and be like God. Find Love, find and be like God, at peace and magnanimous. @olawale0807 17. Magnanimous? I stammered. This game was beginning to scare me. This game arrived with no instructions, only a limerick written on a card. Hickory Dickory Dock, it's time for us to take stock. When birds of a feather, don't play nicely together, then we find ourselves involved in a game of chance with the little old storyteller. A game that was ingenious, maddening and cacophonous. @kellymaurica.writes 18. Cacophonous, the truth should be obvious, see life gives us dissonance to guide us towards resonance. Look at mother nature, we're surrounded by the evidence, the universe explodes into a disarray of elegance, forging for us a path to reciprocate her sentiments. @natethelyricist 19. Sentiments, we don’t all understand, but all feel somewhere deep within. The trails that trace quietly out from us, connections that tether us together. Some of them known, some not. Some seen, some only felt. Follow these faint lines and you’ll find they never truly end, a glowing network of Unity. @bm.poet
