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The Struggle Is Real

Writer's picture: Henery X (long)Henery X (long)

The Internal Battle For Control Of The Soul

Image created by the author and via a collage maker app

Instead of challenging one another, we should focus on avoiding the challenges we have overcome. — Henery X

The Struggle Is Real

2022, Henery X ©

Let’s be clear,

What I say and you hear,

Is a sign you’re not a foe but a peer,

I only contend,

With the person within,

Because a new beginning, means old ways must come to an end,

The results of the battles meant to help me win the war,

Can be seen through my actions, that derive from my core,

I struggle to give you the me,

That you often see,

Because the other side of me,

Also struggles to be free,

I could never kill,

What’s real,

I can only starve it, until it’s something I can no longer feel,

Change is love and pain,

Loss and gain

A constant transformation, until only one version of self, will remain,

I hope you can relate,

But if not, it’s never too late,

Because even if you lose today, tomorrow you can always scream checkmate.

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.

Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.

May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.

Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.

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