Where Sights And Sounds Are So Profound
Photo by Clément M. on Unsplash
The Realm Of My Imagination
2022, Henery X ©
When I’m not here, I’m there, The place where no other can compete or compare, Here, I make up the rules and regulations, I set the times and destinations, Friends are family, and family are friends, Here, no one ever needs to pretend, There’s no darkness, only vibrant colors so bright, This is why the Sun wears shades when it reads what I write, Welcome to the realm of my imagination, Which is where I go when I feel I need a well deserved vacation, but it’s also responsible for my self-sufficient occupation, Fiction fuels reality, the characters aren’t real but hey, that’s just a formality, I create content meant to provoke thought and activate change, my imagination affords creativity perpetual range, Animals, plants, and trees talk to me, All saying what they dream to be, Most of which is that they just long to be free, Waves of water from the ocean washes to the shore, begging for me to take them on an epic adventure once more, The fish and birds, Suggest which words, I should write based off the ones they’ve heard, The Earth rotates in the opposite direction, You see, with its past self it seeks to make a connection, And I just sit and observe, from the SUV parked by the learning curve, Then after hours on end I drive back into the land of illusion, fully equipped to clear up any and all confusion.
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Remember, I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.