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Writer's pictureHenery X (long)

The Means Is Not The Purpose

Thoughts of a free thinker

Photo courtesy of the author, Henery X

Thanks to my willingness to share my written words, I have motivated more than just writers to recognize, embrace, and take full advantage of their greatness.-Henery X

The Means Is Not The Purpose

2023, Henery X ©

This is a topic I’ve written about occasionally, but certain things need to be repeated.

As my T-shirt boldly displays, I’m A Writer. I’ve been writing daily for over 28 years. But though this is true, writing is simply my means to fulfill the purpose. So, if writing is just my means to fulfill the purpose — what’s the purpose?

The purpose is to create, share, motivate, and repeat the process. So, I create compelling content and share it, intending to help others to recognize, embrace, and take full advantage of their greatness. If I accomplish my goal, then others will feel compelled to share what they have created, intending to motivate others to do likewise. It’s a cycle that has been in rotation since any of us alive now where ever born, and it will continue long after we have all turned back to dust.

I realize that the purpose wasn’t our means to create, but what we do with what’s created last year. While listening to this instrumental jazz station on television, I noticed certain artist mentioned who motivated them to do what they love doing in comments displayed on the screen. Now, these people had created their own buzz thanks to sharing their created creations, but they felt the need to mention those who came before them. Why? Because if they wouldn’t have shared, they may not have realized their means to fulfill the purpose when they did. So, it’s sharing that fuels the desire to fulfill the purpose, which again is to create, share, motivate, and repeat the process.

I wanted to write after the shared words of others helped to change my life for the better. If they wouldn’t have felt the need to put their wisdom between the pages of books and I hadn’t been an avid reader, I more than likely wouldn’t have realized writing was my means to fulfill the purpose when I did. Sure, I would have eventually realized it, but not when I did. Their willingness to share strongly motivated me to share my wisdom, which was gained through firsthand experience.

We’re all here to make this experience as memorable as possible, and this occurs when we share the results of what we love doing. Sharing is caring. When we share the results of what we love doing, it will motivate others to either keep going or to get started. And it will motivate them to share and keep creating as well.

So, there you have it. My explanation why I think as I do. As always, I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.

The purpose is to create, share, motivate, and repeat the process.-Henery X
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