A poem
From God To Me To You
2023, Henery X ©
I thought, as I wait for a savior to come save me, I can also start the process by starting to save myself, You see, correct knowledge is our greatest form of wealth. Jesus is our big brother, without a doubt, And I love all the things he was about. But I say this with the utmost humility, We have the same god-like ability. To raise ourselves up from the dead, Aka, up out of the comforts of our bed. And start making forward motion, This should always be a act and not a notion. Don’t you call yourself a child of God? Well, are your words a reality or just a facade? We possess a will to do what we will and our will, Should always be geared towards enhancing our skills. Which will improve our life and the way we live, Just like you have the choice to accept or disregard the words that I give. When the spirit within speaks, listen with an open mind, And you will find, That it’s your duty to emulate the Great Divine.
A child usually emulates his or her parents. It’s just a natural reaction in the early stages of growth and development. Though we have our earthly parents, we also have our spiritual parent as well. The one responsible for all that we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Sure, we are the ones who physically make all that currently is a reality, but where would we be without the speck of spirit that animates us? The spirit gives the physical relevancy, and both reveal the greatness of the Most High. We’re all always working for the Highest Power. — Henery X
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering. May all you deserve and desire flow abundantly into your life, as a river does into a sea.
Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.