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  • Writer's pictureHenery X (long)

Do You Believe? The Conclusion

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

Strange Pairings That Work Well Together For A Greater Good

Doubt found himself once again sitting before his lovely superior, Success. He had given her a progress report about Jacqueline Parker-Walker, which was established by Opportunity Central’s top three employees.

“Let the team know I said a great job, Doubt,” Success chirped. As usual, she was looking stunning, sitting behind her well-organized desk.

“Will do, beloved. I guess it’s safe to say that Kevin Gordon is out of Jacqueline’s life.”

“I believe you’re right, Doubt. Jacqueline doesn’t need a man in her life who doesn’t believe in her, anyway; he’d just eventually bring her down.”

“Exactly. Now Jacqueline’s in the valley of decision. Are you still feeling her desire as you originally did?”

“No, it’s gotten stronger. She’s going to make it happen, Doubt. I feel it in my bones.”

“So, I know, as you know, The Universe already knows the outcome. Has He, by chance, shared it with you?”

Success chuckled, “Against policy, Doubt. The only thing He shares with me is the most promising candidate whose desire I feel instantly.”

“I see. Well, I’m hoping we’ll have a reason to celebrate soon. As always, I’m always rooting extra hard for those you’re rooting for.”

Success smiled uncontrollably. “You sure say some of the sweetest things to me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d believe you were hitting on me, and not just being charming.”

“I thought you knew I am. Success, I’ve been in love with you from the moment you decided we should work together,” Doubt said smoothly.

“Oh, my. Well, since we’re confessing truths here. I felt the same way after we officially met for the first time. I was attracted to your ability, which, as we both know, is the opposite of mine.”

“Opposites attract,” Doubt said cheerfully. He and Success laughed.

“So, where do we go from here, Doubt?”

“Dinner,” Doubt said smoothly. He displayed a winning smile afterward.

Success was smiling uncontrollably; she liked the man sitting before her a lot.

Jacqueline was discussing her self-sufficient desire with her 15-year- old identical twin sons, Malik and Malcolm, who were without question her biggest supporters. Since day one of her telling them about her dream, they have been telling her to go for it; in fact, it was because of their encouragement that she decided she’d never give up.

They were in the living room area of the house they called home. The boys sat on the sectional sofa, while their Mother lounged in her favorite recliner.

“I wanted to discuss with you two what I’m planning on doing, since it involves you. I’ve kept nothing from you,” Jacqueline said. She stared at her sons in a manner only a mother could.

“That’s one of the countless reasons we adore you so, Mother,” Malcolm said. Though he and his brother possessed the same handsome face, that’s where their similarities ended; they were literally like night and day. The only other thing that was identical to them was the love they had for their Mother, which was unconditional.

“Right, Mom. Your honesty has always put us in a position to make wise decisions. You’ve pulled no punches, and we respect you for that,” Malik said.

“You two are just the sweetest pair. So, here’s my plan. I’m going to use much of my savings, and I want to use the college money I’ve established, which is twenty-eight thousand dollars. So, the total would be two hundred and forty thousand dollars. The building I want to buy cost three hundred thousand dollars. As you can see, it’s going to be a problem. Because besides the building, there are many other things to consider. Thoughts?”

“First, I think I can speak for Malcolm when I say anything we have is due to you choosing life for us, so with that being said, what’s considered ours will always be considered yours. We trust every decision you make, Mom,” Malik said sincerely.

“I concur, Mother,” Malcolm said, “You’re the best Mother we know. It seems like you’ll have to look for a more affordable building. I know your heart is set on the one you want, but work up to it. We’re here to help you in any way we can. We believe in you.”

“My two wise young men. Come on over here and hug your Mother.”

Malcolm and Malik did as they were asked.

“I love you two more than life itself,” Jacqueline said softly. “With you two by my side, I feel I can do anything.”

Jacqueline was in the impressive office of her boss, John West, attorney at law. She was lounging on a cushy leather sectional sofa, while he was sitting behind his enormous mahogany desk, in a comfortable-looking leather executive chair. He asked her to come in and dictate a letter, but she wasn’t mentally there.

“So, Jacqueline. What’s on your mind?” John chirped. The fifty-year-old was handsome, well-groomed, and dressed to impress.

“Huh, oh. I apologize, John,” Jacqueline said sheepishly.

“No need to apologize, just share with me what has you so distracted.”

“I shouldn’t discuss my personal life at work,” Jacqueline said somberly.

John laughed. “Jacqueline, I’ve known you for over sixteen years, but we only know the bare minimum of each other outside of work. Doesn’t that seem strange to you?”

“It does indeed, John,” Jacqueline chuckled.

“Well, that changes today. Right here, right now. So, what’s on your mind?”

Jacqueline told John all about her hopes, her dreams, and her troubles. He got comfortable in his chair and was hanging on her every word. The more she spoke, it seemed the more he wanted to hear her speak.

“There you have it, John. So, what are your thoughts?” The eagerness in Jacqueline’s voice was undeniable; she respected the man sitting before her, a lot, and for several reasons.

“First, congratulations on pursuing something of your own. I’m a huge fan of entrepreneurship.”

“Is that right, John?”

“Of course, I was once an entrepreneur. I started out working for a firm, established capital, and clients, and then stepped out to do me. Sorry to hear about the people who didn’t believe in you, but that’s life. Everyone will not feel what you feel, like you feel it. I experienced the same thing, but like yourself, I didn’t let it discourage me.”

“I know it’s going to happen, John. I can just feel it.”

“You’re right; it is going to happen; in fact, it already has. Jacqueline, you were telling your desires to the wrong people, but now you’ve shared them with one of the right ones.”

“What are you saying, John?”

“What I’m saying is that a group of my friends and I have been helping would-be entrepreneurs for years. It’s our way of giving back, you know, blessed to be a blessing. Anyway, we take care of everything and allow the would-be entrepreneur to focus on whatever else they need to, to make the situation a reality.”

“So, are you trying to tell me all I have to concern myself with is cooking, hiring staff... ”

“Jacqueline, your prayers have been answered. All we ask in return is that when you’re able, reach out and help someone else’s dream become a reality. Now, I think that it’s long overdue that we got to know each other better than we do, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I will most definitely help someone else, John; it would only be the right thing to do. And to answer your question about us getting to know one another better, I couldn’t agree more.”

Two and a half years after John West gave Jacqueline Parker-Walker the best news of her life, “M & M Fine Dining” opened for business. The name of the establishment was a tribute to her two most significant supporters, her sons, Malcolm and Maliek. The support and love the restaurant was shown were phenomenal, and this was due primarily to word of mouth and great food.

Jacqueline had another reason to celebrate, she and John West would be married in less than a week. Their first date turned into them never wanting to be apart again, so, a year after the fact, he proposed, and she said yes.

Sitting in one of the many booths of the dimly lit M & M Fine Dining restaurant was Doubt and Success; they had just finished properly prepared meals, and like the other diners, were enjoying the smooth sounds of the live jazz band that was present.

“So, you were right, my love,” Doubt said. He sat across from Success, dressed to impress as usual.

“I’m so glad I was, honey. I didn’t see John West factoring in, though. What he and his friends are doing for would-be entrepreneurs is awesome.”

“How about the upcoming wedding?

“I’m happy for Jacqueline and John.”

“As am I. Speaking of weddings,” Doubt reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a ring box. He opened the box and inside was a beautiful diamond and platinum ring. “Will you marry me?”

“Oh, my God! Of course, I’ll marry you, darling,” Success said. She smiled uncontrollably afterward.

The End.

I thank all of you who have read the entire story. I pray that the overall message is understood. Remember: I write to encourage, enlighten, and entertain.

May all you deserve and desire flow abundantly into your life, as a river does into a sea.

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