My perspective based on first-hand experience

Photo of the author, Henery X, holding his five books
A goal without a plan is just a wish. — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
A Blueprint On How To Be Successful, Period.
2022, Henery X ©
The Goal
A goal is something we desire to accomplish. In this instance, let’s say we want to become a self-published author.
The Plan
We have the goal. Now it’s time to formulate a plan on how to make it a reality. The bulk of the plan should consist of researching the journey of those who have accomplished what we’re setting out to accomplish. What better way to be enlightened on how to self-publish a book, than to seek out those who have already achieved the goal? The objective is not to emulate their styles, but to study them to see the best way to craft our own. Be sure to take a lot of notes.
Once we have our plan in place we can’t doubt that it’s going to produce the desired result. Just a speck of doubt can bring months of building something up, crashing to the ground. To keep doubt at bay we should never lose sight of “why” we got started in the first place. Our “why” is like a soundproof force field, well, it could and should be, that is to say. We should always be fueled by our “why.”
Work Ethic
Our work ethic should be structured around a set time, which we should only stray from due to an emergency. Be it thirty minutes or three hours, every second should be dedicated to turning our desire into a reality. To stay the course, we should let it be known that at this designated time we’ll be unavailable. Once we have made our intentions clear, they’ll be no need to feel guilty about ignoring non-emergency situations.
Positive Attitude
A positive attitude has been arguably responsible for more success than anything else known. Though we’ll need to play our part, they’ll be parts we simply won’t know how to play appropriately. A positive attitude will attract the attention of those we’ll need to assist us. Plus, we must maintain a positive attitude while we wait for things to unfold, as we hope they will. Achieving greatness takes time, patience, and a positive attitude.
Consistency is without a doubt the most important part of being successful, period. I like to liken consistency to a category, which everything else previously mentioned falls under. We must consistently do everything previously mentioned, to the letter, and until the mission is complete. A lack of consistency leads to procrastination, which leads to stagnation, which leads to eventually aborting the mission.
And there you have it. A quick, but effective blueprint on how to be successful, period. I’m not saying the said blueprint will work for you but if it worked for me, why wouldn’t it work for you as well?
Victory is so much sweeter when the odds aren’t in our favor, but we never lose faith in the favour God gives us, which is greater than all odds. — Henery X
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.
Remember. I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.