A Letter To My Future Self
Food For Thought

Eat To Live
Henery X, 2022 ©
Dear Henery,
For over 29 years our diet has been meat-free
And this has benefited us to the highest degree
Our digestive tract
Was not meant to digest meat, which is an actual fact
Our bodies were designed
By a Superior mind
But because of the greed and arrogance of man
A diabolical plan
Was set into play
Suggesting we should eat meat at least three times a day
Now, this wasn’t meant to help, but hurt
Because eventually, the digestive tract will begin to work in spurts
Causing many complications
Throughout every nation
And the solution? Many medications
Now, besides being addicted to meat, we're also hooked on pills
That we’ll need to take with at least all three meals
Not saying our way is free from harm
Because there’s always a need for alarm
When we question the morals of those who stick needles in our arms
As well as those who oversee fruits and vegetables, once they leave the orchards and farms
We hope the re-reading of this will remain on repeat Because our only mission is to help convince others to eat to live, and not live to eat
Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my offering.
Remember, I’m not here to convince you to believe. I’m here to offer you something else to consider.
May we never lose our desire to outdo what we’ve already done.
Peace, Love, and the utmost Respect.
Your brother and servant,
Henery X